Sunday, January 1, 2017


New Year, Better Me
    As the year of 2016 came to a close, were you happy? Did you achieve all the New Years resolutions and take advantage of the new experiences that were brought into your life and live abundantly and wisely? Or did you move through the year expecting the worst from each day and becoming so automatic and dull that you enjoyed nothing? Well luckily for you if you ended up creating a negative atmosphere for yourself now is the time to change it.

  The saying "new year, new me" is extremely cliché but serves as an excellent purpose. During this time people are starting to put their best foot forward and create achievable tasks for themselves to create a better life. The energy is up, people are positive and happy, and you are feeding off of that energy getting motivated yourself. But then March 16th hits and its all downhill. Less people are working towards their goals and getting so completely caught up in their own world they soon forget to, well, live. You may have found yourself in a similar position.

  If this is the year to start making things happen for yourself then lets do it. Here are some tips on how to stay motivated throughout the year and to follow through with your goals to make 2017 the best year of you.

Step One
Create a List of Resolutions With a Twist

   Resolutions and goals can be anything that you personally desire, whether it be wanting to lose a few pounds, eat healthier, or just live a better more stable life. But this is just the beginning. When you write these goals and ambitions out they are very, very vague which doesn't motivate you too much and makes you think you have the whole year to try to change. But try to spice it up a little bit. Make monthly goals that help you achieve your yearly goals. Say for instance you want to lose weight (this being your yearly goal) , then say to yourself "by March 10th I would have lost 10 pounds" (your monthly goal) or whatever it is for you personally. Having these big ideas chopped down into smaller ones will help you achieve those quicker and cross them off your list.

Step Two
Change Your Mindset

   The world we live in tends to be overruled by the negativity of the media and unfortunately it dictates how we live. Living within this is challenging, especially if you are trying to better yourself and live positively. But this change can be made within you. The mind is everything. Here we have about 60,000 thoughts a day and it is so hard to control those. But it doesn't hurt to try. What you think you become, what the mind conceives you can achieve, your thoughts create your reality. This is true. The first step to living a better life with a good mindset is to practice gratitude. This will not only help you become aware of the amazing things in your life but it will also draw more of it to you. (There will be more of this in a future blog). But start here, every day when you wake up think of the things you're grateful for, and do the same before you go to bed and well, any other time you just want to. It will change your life. I promise.  

Step Three
Keep Your Goals a Secret

   You want to make sure that while you are living a better life for yourself you don't want to be in the negative loop of failure or judgement. Keeping your goals to yourself makes you being able to achieve them that much greater. Putting your goals out there for everyone to see puts unnecessary pressure on you to try and live it through their perspective. If your ultimate goal is to be happy, when you tell people this there might be some who support you, but there will also be some who are ready to see you fail. Also, when you have your goals that no one knows about you can focus on them and make them your reality. Do not live through someone else's perspective. Yours is the only one that matters.

Step Four
Get a Mantra, and a Vision Board

   Find a saying that truly connects to you and your life. For me personally my favorite manta is "She Believed She Could, So She Did", this motivates me to put my mind to anything and I will be able to achieve it. This can be some thing as simple as "live happily" or "live, laugh, love". Just find one that you can connect to and live by it. A vision board is a great place to store all of your goals. Whether it be that new car you desire or the latest iPhone put it on the board or somewhere you always look and imagine having that. And one day you just might.

   My point to these first four steps are to achieve what your mind conceives. By following these first four steps your life will be heading into the perfect direction for your path to enlightenment. Until next time, peace, love and happiness.

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